You're More Like the Police Officer Than You Think - Trying to Understand Police Brutality

You're More Like the Police Officer Than You Think - Trying to Understand Police Brutality

As a white father of two black children my heart has broken once again. My heart has broken because once again, a black man’s life was snuffed out at the hands of a white police officer. My heart breaks for my son and daughter who will experience prejudice and racism directed at them because of the color of their skin. My heart has broken because I as a white man can’t rightly teach them how to deal with being marginalized, and at times treated as something less than human. My heart has broken because I still struggle with how I can use my white privilege to enact change in our very divided country.

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Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

A few months ago, I reflected on what I had learned since starting Jiu-Jitsu when I received my first stripe on my white belt. In short, I began to learn how to become humble, resilient, and not play the victim when hardships in life come. You can read more about that here.

Yesterday marked the second milestone in my journey when I received my second stripe. My big takeaway this time around:

Life doesn’t fight in its weight class!

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It’s OK to be Conflicted: My Take on the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing

It’s OK to be Conflicted: My Take on the Ford-Kavanaugh Hearing

Like many Americans on Thursday, my attention was riveted by the Senate hearing of Christine Blasey Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. At times I found myself identifying with Ford’s “camp”, and at other times with Kavanaugh’s “camp”. I couldn’t understand why I was so conflicted about what I was hearing and seeing. Over the weekend I tried to think about what transpired many times and guess what? I still find myself conflicted…and that’s OK!

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Bedtime Routines

Bedtime Routines

Yesterday I wrote about morning routines, and afterward, I received a few questions about my personal morning routine, so I wanted to clarify a few things. First, the timing of the routine is not as important as having a routine. The only challenge with having a morning routine later in the morning is that you will have more people and things to guard that time against. Secondly, if you are wanting to get up earlier you have to think about when you go to bed. So today I want to touch on the importance of a bedtime routine.

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Morning Routines

Morning Routines

A few years ago I wanted to create a few habits that would grow my strengths and minimize my weaknesses. Habits such as reading, journaling, and continued education. At first, I found creating these habits to be a difficult undertaking as I was trying to do them after work. Something would always come up which would get in the way. Then I discovered the power of a morning routine!

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Writer's Block

Writer's Block

What is "writer's block"? The dictionary describes it like this: "the condition of being unable to think of what to write or how to proceed with writing." In school, I remember "writer's block" being thrown around as if the student got the flu. "Sorry, prof, I came down with a bad case of 'writer's block' and wasn't able to finish that paper." But is "writer's block" really a condition the author can contract?

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The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about the injustice which comes from inaction. Today I want to continue on the theme of injustice and talk about the injustice of ignoring. Plus, my wife and I have been watching "The Handmaid's Tale" - which we love - and I was reminded of the quote above.

We have all heard the saying, "ignorance is bliss", but have you ever given thought to how true and profound that is? Knowledge can be a haunting and burdensome thing to discover. Ignorance on the other hand - although still dangerous in many cases - is freeing.

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The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

Americans are familiar with the quote, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". It has been a rallying cry to justify our wars and to celebrate our independence. The Stoics, however, wrote about this concept thousands of years prior to this famous quote in regards to everyday life.

We as people like to pride ourselves when we see an injustice in this world by decrying it with a, "if I was there I would not let that happen!" As if we are some moral Superman who is able to write all wrongs in this word if we were only there to do something about it. But I don't think many of us would.

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Suffering Well - Daily Ramblings

Suffering Well - Daily Ramblings

There are few things in life which are certain. Suffering is one of those things. Entire religions have been created to understand, and give meaning to, the issue of suffering. At some point in every person's life, suffering will come. You become sick, a loved one dies, you are fired from a job you love. Suffering comes in many forms. At times it may not impact you directly, but everyone knows someone currently suffering. So what are we to do with suffering?

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Rules for Social Media - Daily Ramblings

Rules for Social Media - Daily Ramblings

Social media: Is it harming or helping our society? Some will argue that it is making more people depressed because they are comparing their lives to the "highlight reel" of others. Others will argue that social media has been the only way they are able to stay up to date with friends and family. I believe both camps are correct, which makes me wonder, how are we to interact with social media? I have created three simple rules which have helped me.

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Why Not Me? - Daily Ramblings (from my Dad)

Why Not Me? - Daily Ramblings (from my Dad)

Today I want to share a message from my dad as he begins his battle with cancer. So far my dad, along with our family, have had a sense of peace as he enters into his fight. We know not every day will be easy, and we will all have days where we are discouraged, but we are confident in where we find our strength. His message today is a great reminder for anyone going through any struggle. I love you, Dad! I'm proud of your attitude and fighting spirit already!

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Want True Happiness? Think of Death - Daily Ramblings

Want True Happiness? Think of Death - Daily Ramblings

There is one thing in life which every single human being will experience: Death. It is the one thing we (especially we Americans) try to avoid, ignore, and push as far out into the future as we can. I am here to argue that if we create a healthy practice of focusing on our coming death, it will enrich and bring happiness to life!

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