You're More Like the Police Officer Than You Think - Trying to Understand Police Brutality

You're More Like the Police Officer Than You Think - Trying to Understand Police Brutality

As a white father of two black children my heart has broken once again. My heart has broken because once again, a black man’s life was snuffed out at the hands of a white police officer. My heart breaks for my son and daughter who will experience prejudice and racism directed at them because of the color of their skin. My heart has broken because I as a white man can’t rightly teach them how to deal with being marginalized, and at times treated as something less than human. My heart has broken because I still struggle with how I can use my white privilege to enact change in our very divided country.

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The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Ignoring - Daily Ramblings

Yesterday I wrote a little bit about the injustice which comes from inaction. Today I want to continue on the theme of injustice and talk about the injustice of ignoring. Plus, my wife and I have been watching "The Handmaid's Tale" - which we love - and I was reminded of the quote above.

We have all heard the saying, "ignorance is bliss", but have you ever given thought to how true and profound that is? Knowledge can be a haunting and burdensome thing to discover. Ignorance on the other hand - although still dangerous in many cases - is freeing.

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The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

The Injustice of Inaction - Daily Ramblings

Americans are familiar with the quote, "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". It has been a rallying cry to justify our wars and to celebrate our independence. The Stoics, however, wrote about this concept thousands of years prior to this famous quote in regards to everyday life.

We as people like to pride ourselves when we see an injustice in this world by decrying it with a, "if I was there I would not let that happen!" As if we are some moral Superman who is able to write all wrongs in this word if we were only there to do something about it. But I don't think many of us would.

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