The Erosion of Good - Daily Ramblings

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What is it about the human condition which can take something so good and noble and erode its impact?

Here, Marcus Aurelius is talking about someone (most likely himself since this was his journal) seeking credit for the good deeds they have done, instead of being filled by the fact that they did something well for their fellow man and that they benefited from it. Yet I see this type of behavior throughout my life. 

I have begun writing these posts daily to better my writing skills and to get into the habit of writing, but I become filled with pride when someone comments favorably about something I have written. I then begin to write with certain people in mind. Which is not bad, but it is not the reason I have set out to write - yet. That may be the goal someday, but today the goal is to hone my skills, and my pride can get in the way of my goal.

I also have a tendency to filter what others see of me. Not that I want to air my dirty laundry, but when I only share the "good" in my life on social media, or in discussions with others, I lose the impact I have on someone's life. I don't come off as a genuine or real person. And because I want to positively impact other's lives I need to be less prideful and more vulnerable. 

I seek credit for small deeds and then shrug off the praise when it comes. I find subtle ways to brag about accomplishments or habits. I can find it difficult to let someone else take the spotlight when I had a hand in their achievement. I am very much the fool Marcus Aurelius is talking about in this quote.