Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

Life Doesn't Fight In Its Weight Class - The Second Stripe

A few months ago, I reflected on what I had learned since starting Jiu-Jitsu when I received my first stripe on my white belt. In short, I began to learn how to become humble, resilient, and not play the victim when hardships in life come. You can read more about that here.

Yesterday marked the second milestone in my journey when I received my second stripe. My big takeaway this time around:

Life doesn’t fight in its weight class!

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Building Self-Discipline in a World that Wants to Destroy It

Building Self-Discipline in a World that Wants to Destroy It

What is self-discipline? Self-discipline comes from within. Self-discipline is used when there is no external motivating factor which drives you to action. Self-discipline is needed to obtain an outcome which no one but you cares about. In short, self-discipline is about controlling your feelings and overcoming your weaknesses. This means self-discipline takes courage!

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