Don't Aim at Success - Daily Ramblings - July 12, 2018

Don't Aim at Success.jpg

This morning I read the forward to Viktor Frankl's book, "Man's Search for Meaning", and was sucker punched by the quote above. There are so many things I attempt to obtain success in: raising my children, building a wonderful relationship with my wife, trying to be an outstanding employee for the companies I work for. The desire for those things are not bad - in fact I would argue that they are noble pursuits - but the desired outcome in those pursuits is where I am convicted.

I cannot control how my children act or what happens to them. I have no control as to what my wife ultimately does in our relationship. I can't control the success of the companies I work for. So much of life is out of my control regardless of how much effort I put into it. 

Instead I need to be a good father, regardless of the outcome, because it is the right thing to do. I need to love my wife and serve her unconditionally, regardless of her response, because it is right. The same goes for my work. These things should be pursued fully and with great effort, but not to obtain success or happiness. If the meaning in these endeavors are sought after then the success and happiness will many times follow naturally.

I'm excited to dig into this book more! If the forward can give me a great wake up call, what will the rest of the book hold?